Sunday, December 21, 2008
A Chlorine Rash for the Holidays
Monday, December 15, 2008
Frustration and Confusion
I was so frustrated last week with training. I have been biking REALLY hard and my heart rate is at 91 - 95 and I should be at 135 - 145 just for base. I have even cranked up the resistance on my trainer.
Running I'm at a 8.5 MPH pace and my heart rate is at 110 and I need to be 120 - 130 for base. When I started I had to run/walk to keep my heart rate 120 - 130 and usually it was over pushing 140. I went to swimming and brought my info to my coach and she said this is great, my body is rebuilding itself and my heart is stronger so I can work harder and my heart works less. She said I need to run harder/faster and get my heart rate back into 120. I just can't keep that up for 30 - 45 minutes or better yet for 2 hours biking! I would have to be running 9 - 10 MPH to get it there. 10 miles per six minute miles for an hour. I'm no longer confused but still frustrated at how hard I have to work and I'm still not working hard enough yet giving it all I have.
This is a great article that explains it all, one that is rarely written about low heart rate training and the benefits it gives your body.
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Warning - this is gross!
Now if I could just figure out how to pee off my bike seat during the bike portion. I heard that's what the elites do. I'm not that graceful so I think I'll stop and use a port-a-potty.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
What's RB?

Friday, December 5, 2008
Easy Does It
I found out the YMCA I go to is having an indoor tri the third weekend in Jan. Can't wait! It's just like the one at the U of MN (TRI U MAH). Swim as much as you can, bike as much and run and they total up your miles. You have 30 minutes for each event. At the U's last year I was 9th place female out of a couple hundred women. I was thrilled because I hadn't trained that much for it and really didn't know what to expect at all since that was my first Tri. I actually wore super padded biker shorts - how embarrassing. I was the only one wearing them and we had a really padded seat on top of that. I'm excited to see what I can do this year. Maybe I can break the top 3!! Best part of an indoor tri - no worries of someone swimming over you, kicking you, a flat tire, or the rain - BONUS!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I went to Motion Care this morning and told them what I'm doing, when I started hurting and that it's in my knee but my coach says it's the hip. When you go you lay on a heating pad and they wrap heating pads around the area of pain. You stay there for 20 - 30 minutes. The therapist comes in and checks out your motion, compares it with the other side and then pulls and twists you back to where you should be. She said due to the cold, rainy marathon my pelvis/hip muscle has seized up and never released which is why I'm able to swim (your hips rotate) and not bike or run where you need those muscles to move your leg. It's the hip! After 20 minutes of pushing and pulling I was good to go. She told me to bike tonight lightly for 20-30 minutes and see how I feel and ease back into running, etc. I have another appointment next Wednesday in case it slips back but hopefully this is all I will need. I don't know how to explain them because you don't do reps of resistant bands and they are not "adjusting" your like a chiro would do. . . it's just magic.
I'm so excited to get going again. Fingers crossed I will be able to keep going this time!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
On the Mend
I went to yoga at work on Monday, then more swimming at the Y after work. Today I found myself not paying any attention and I'm sitting at my desk with my left leg crossed over my right. This is huge - never in my life has it been comfortable for me to cross my left over my right, just the right over my left. Seems silly but something good is happening from stretching. I have also been using my resistance bands for my shoulders. Tonight I am going to bike for 30 minutes just softly, small chain and see how I feel. If that goes well I will try jogging on Wed. I'm still doing all this without my heart rate monitor because I know I'm in too low of zones still. I'm not sure what's working for me but I'm going to keep going so I can get back on track.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Testing the Water and it Still Hurts

I took the next step and joined our wellness center at work. They have yoga over the lunch hour. I just got back from it and it's great. We hold poses for a long time so I can really stretch. They have quite the studio and's all windows like you are running outdoors and flat screen TV's on the walls. It's really nice.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
If you have the this guys blog

Monday, October 27, 2008
Still Down...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
First Injury : (
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Take it Day by Day, Month by Month
I was thinking about all this and how to keep myself motivated...
I decided that once a month I will get a massage on my rest day (something to look forward to). I scheduled my first one on Oct 28. I'm lucky enough to work at a place where I can just go to the fitness center and sign up for a massage during work hours. : )
I'm just going to take it one week at a time, basically rest period to rest period.
At the end of each month I'll total up how many miles I swam, biked and ran. That should be motivating!
Monday, October 13, 2008
One down and 395 more to go!
"Oh my gosh, I haven't seen this in a long time"
I'm starting my training today and I have to keep my heart rate down and go slow to build a base. This would be a good time to take Chilly running again. Maybe she would actually be able to keep up if I kept a 'normal' pace and jogged/walked instead of running.
My first day of training is biking for 1 hour at about 135 heart rate - snore city!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Bag Lady

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I'm Superior - that's what it says!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Doing my homework
Yes, you do need a coach for this. I'm meeting next week with her to formulate my daily training plan. She is the coach that I have been going to Master Swimming with the past year. I'm kind of afraid of her which I think is a good quality for a coach. I wouldn't want one that is too nice and lets you slack too much in training. When I first came to her master swimming I was wearing foam goggles and a Target swim suit. I'm pretty sure she was wonder how I happened to find her as I looked like her biggest challenge yet. She told me to get a real suit and make sure it's tight - so tight that you have to struggle to get it on and so tight that you now have back fat you never had before popping out of the straps and your butt feels like you are wearing underwear for a toddler. After all that my suit was still too big because it had a small wrinkle in the stomach.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Registration is the first test of an IronMan

Sept 8 - We woke up about 5 am and we were on our way to the Terrace. (Thankfully we were staying at Lynn and Greg's house and they are only 15 minutes from downtown Madison.) Already the line had about 100 people in it when we arrived. We waited and waited only to learn that the volunteers from this years Ironman get to register first, before everyone else. Olaf left and had a hot breakfast at a local cafe while I waited some more. At that point I heard about 800 IronMan participants already registered for 2009. The athletes have priority and get to register the Saturday prior to IronMan. Keep in mind there are around 2200 spots. So now I'm thinking 1400 spots left. The line was growing and growing. About 9 am we were divided into volunteers and non-volunteers. Then it started raining on us as the volunteers had the line under the building. I calmly counted 1000 plus volunteers. I was hopeful many were just being nice and waiting in line with their friends. All the volunteers were streaming out with their 'golden ticket'. At 10:15 we finally entered the building after waiting 5 hours! The number on my paper was 1351. Yikes! I signed up and on Sept 17th the official email arrived asking for money. I paid my 525 dollars for registration into the 2009 IronMan. Woo hoo! I'm relieved to get registered but now the hard part - training and not getting injured in the process.