Monday, March 30, 2009
I have a right to change my mind, I'm a woman.
OK, so the last post was my decision to not run GB Marathon. Well, I found out I can downgrade it to a half marathon. I have never ran a half. Seems like cheating to me, but I think that's the plan. A SLOW half marathon. Olaf still wanted to go and we still had our hotel reservations so we are now going. He can always run it and I can cheer for him if things go bad in the next month and half with my foot.
My new distraction from training is a mini horse. I looked at a new show mini this weekend and he's going to be delivered on Thursday or Friday. I'm still doing my training - no worries.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Orthodics have arrived!
In the meantime I decided to not run Green Bay Marathon. It might really mess me up for the IronMan. There will always be more marathons. . . so far it seems I'm not meant to run one on my birthday.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I'm still waiting for my orthodics. I still can't wait to get them and walk hopefully without foot pain. I'm thinking about not going to Green Bay for the Marathon. I guess a marathon on my b-day is just not meant to be. This is the second year I have tried to run one on my b-day.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy Birthday Olaf!
I saw these on the Internet. I have never considered myself a swimmer but can relate to all of these. I guess I might be considered a swimmer now. I do get asked a lot at the Y if I swam in high school/college. People even ask me for pointers. When I tell them I just learned last year - Jan 2008, they think that's funny. It's true. I swam with my head out of water to see where I'm going. I had a really hard time figuring out how to breathe in the water. I have also found that people won't share lanes with me anymore. I must look scary or something. When I ask they jump out of the pool. I know the feeling, I use to do that when people wanted to share with me.
If you have to try on 30 shirts just to find one that fits your shoulders, you might be a female swimmer.
If your hair remains in a wet ponytail throughout the day, you might be a swimmer.
If there are wet towels over every door in your house, you might be a swimmer.
If you have rings around your eyes unrelated to the amount of sleep you got, you might be a swimmer.
If waking up before dawn to exercise seems normal, you might be a swimmer. (You might also be crazy)
If bugs die of chlorine poisoning when they land on your skin, you might be a swimmer.
If the phrase "This set with fins" is better than hearing "You just won $1000," you might be a swimmer.
If you answer, "I don't need to" when someone asks when you showered last, you might be a swimmer...or your husband tells you it's time to take a shower.
When you learn how to squirt water 15 different ways, you might be a swimmer.
If being fish-like is a compliment, you might be a swimmer.
If your friends don't even call you anymore because they know that you have no time to do anything, you might be a swimmer.
If you sweat chlorine even after showering, you might be a swimmer.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
St. Patty's Day
First, while at work the Dr. called about my foot and said he was thinking about my foot and hip and thought some soft tissue work on the hip would help in addition to the work on my foot. He called my work and home to track me down. How often is a Dr. thinking about your leg and calls you to let you know that? I thought that was pretty cool. I'll be seeing him again on Friday. This time I won't wear a dress. Oh that sounds bad. I didn't know I was going to get an appointment there on Monday when I went. After I was there I realize pants would have been the better choice, but happened to be wearing granny panties so it's all OK!
Second reason, I worked all day, got in my swim workout (cut it short by 500 yards), raced home, put my bike in the car and went to NOW Bike to spin for an hour with Jen. I met her at Tri Fitness and she did IM Florida last year. It's nice to have people to chat with about it because no one understands all this craziness (or wants to hear about it ie: Glazed over look on Olaf's face as soon as I say Iron....) unless they have trained and completed an IronMan. After spin we went to the Green Mill for a beer an appetizers. I have never finished a workout with a beer...except Grandma's Marathon. I couldn't hardly fall asleep because I was still so pumped about my fun day and meeting new people!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Next stop - Plantar Fasciitis
At swimming yesterday I told Barbara about the pain. She pulled me aside and told me to use a golf ball to massage my foot. Then she pressed in on muscles behind my knee which was kind of painful. When she saw how terrible of an over pronator I was she said to go get orthodics. She recommended someone in White Bear. I called today and have an appointment this afternoon! It will be interesting adjusting to the orthodics when my body has been wrong for so long. I have been using shoes with lots of motion control and rigid arch supports but they are just not enough anymore. This means training will have to be dialed back whenever I get my orthodics so my body can get use to them. I'm just hopeful it won't be too bad and I can run without pain.
I told Barbara that my fastest runs have been trail runs. She thought that was interesting since my body is so out of whack being on an uneven trail probably makes me aligned. I know when Olaf and I run marathons we fight over the the left side of the lane line because that's where the road has the most slant. Maybe Olaf is out of whack too? Ha ha!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Ah - Down Week!

I also figured out that vaseline on my neck will prevent a chlorine rash. Double yeah!
Two weeks ago I cut out Diet Coke. I just had one a day for lunch, so it didn't seem like a huge deal. Last week I was dragging by about 3:00 and usually falling asleep on the couch for sometime. This week I feel much better and have my energy back - or maybe there's no relation to soda, just that it's a down week.
I did manage to squeeze in something fun on Friday and Saturday. I painted all my bee hives bright colors. They are all ready to go for the new bees that arrive in early April. I'm trying so hard to get everything done ahead of time...I look at it like every week that goes by more time is spent training so the more I do this week and next week the better off I will be. I still have lots of vacation days saved up as emergency training days. I have 3 floating holidays and I'm maxed out with 3 vacation days I took on the books but haven't used yet. I have been getting a day a month. I can't wait to take off a day and bike all day.