Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tri at the Y completed!

I participated in an indoor tri last weekend. You swim 30 minutes, bike 30 minutes, run 30 minutes - all indoor, of course since it was January. My goal was to swim 1 mile in 30 minutes. I was 50 yards short...just 50! Argh! I was really happy overall because I finished second in competitive female division. I was a mile shy of the overall winner and he does tris internationally. I ended up biking over 15 miles in 30 minutes. That sure doesn't seem right, that's 30 MPH average if I kept that up. I have another indoor tri at the U of MN coming up Feb 8 so I will TRY to get 1 mile swimming.

Today I felt like a rock at swimming. I couldn't move through the water at all. I had a 45 mile bike ride on Saturday on my trainer, which I'm certain is why I felt terrible today. I would swim and get to about 35 yard in the pool and thought I should have hit the wall already. That makes for a tough day when the laps seemer longer then they are.

I'm on the hunt for a full wetsuit since they are on sale now. I figure I will need it for IM. I currently have a sleeveless one. I thought about renting one but if I can get one on sale then I can use it this season at a few tris and maybe even do Bri Tri again in May and hopefully not freeze!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Well done in the indoor tri! 50 yards short (in that amount of time) is still quite the accomplishment. As always, I'm very proud of you.