Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Days After

Monday we went to the awards banquet from 11:30 - 1:30. We had a nice breakfast. I ate two plate fulls, yum. It was great to see the age grouper winners. My highlight was watching a pro go down the steps at the parking ramp and she could barely move. It secretly made me feel good because I thought pros never were sore or stiff. I felt great except for my blisters.

Tuesday I did laundry, put things away. I thought I was going great so I went to Wal-Mart to pick up my photos and get more blister pads. I got pretty dizzy. I called my clinic for an appt. but they didn't have any openings. They wanted me to call 911. I went home and laid down. I made an appt. for Wed at my clinic. I wasn't sure why I was still dizzy and I was also concerned with the bee sting on my leg. The sting had two circles now and was changing colors and getting darker.

Wenesday the sting was turning purple so I was glad I was going to the dr. She said my sting was infected and my left foot was on it's way or was already infected. As far as dizzy she said to eat lots of salt and go home and sleep. I stopped at McDonalds and ate two burgers and fries.

I feel good now. I even rode Deuce on Wednesday night. It was great. Despite not riding all summer he was great and my legs are super strong.

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