Monday, October 13, 2008

"Oh my gosh, I haven't seen this in a long time"

That was the words from my trainer on Saturday when she read my Vo2 numbers. I guess my base heart rate should be about 30 beats less then my threshold for starting a training plan. Mine is only 20. That means I'm race ready and she called me "reved up". She asked how I have trained and I told her I just bike 30 miles one day and go 16 MPH and the next week I bike 45 miles and try to go 16.5 MPH, etc. Not great base building at all. I just go harder, faster and farther each time I swim, bike or run. It's not a bad thing that I have done to myself it's just that I'm a little too geared up. Olaf agreed without any hesitation when I asked him if I seem reved up. My life has always been Go-Go-Go.

I'm starting my training today and I have to keep my heart rate down and go slow to build a base. This would be a good time to take Chilly running again. Maybe she would actually be able to keep up if I kept a 'normal' pace and jogged/walked instead of running.

My first day of training is biking for 1 hour at about 135 heart rate - snore city!

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