Saturday, October 18, 2008

First Injury : (

I went to Masters Swimming on Sunday morning and by the time I was done I limped out of the pool very slightly. My coach noticed and I told her my left knee is sore and has been since the marathon and politely told her that she is breaking me! She told me to use my foam roller and showed me what to do. I was literally foam rolling around on a slippery pool floor in my swimsuit with an audience. I felt like a fish floundering around. I first rolled over my hips, ouch. Then the front of my quads and 3/4 side of my leg (really hurt). She then told me that since it's my left IT band then my right side under my arm will hurt. Boy was she right. When I rolled on that area I got tears in my eyes. I went home and caused myself a lot more pain but I wasn't limping anymore. I even foam rollered before I went to work. I'm supposed to lay my injured area on the roller with all my weight holding me down and stay that way until the pay is gone and the muscles relaxes. Imagine being really tight and sore and getting a massage and having the therapist press into that area as hard as they can without letting up until the pain is gone...that's what the foam roller does for you. I was supposed to run 45 minutes on Sunday but I skipped it. I just didn't feel good about it with my knee as sore as it is.

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