Thursday, February 26, 2009

Under 200 days left!

Since my new attitude on training has evolved I actually feel better. I have a rest day today but I feel great so I think Friday will be my rest day instead. I haven't been nearly as tired as I was the last couple of weeks. I think I also feel better because my phone stopped ringing in the past two weeks. It's awesome! I can workout without the ringing phone and people to call back. You would be amazed at how much time 5 quick phone calls take to return.

I went to MotionCare on Tuesday for my hip/knee. After a 10 mile run I realized when I was done I should have worn my knee brace because I need it for long runs and I know this considering my attempt at TC Marathon without it. I went to Motion Care and my left hip was great and my knee pain was because my knee had issues. My knee hasn't felt better. I'm excited to see how I fare after my 12 mile run on Saturday.

Weight wise I gained another pound. I think maybe I'm just eating too much food thinking I need to. I'm going to try to cut back to curtail this weight gain as long as I can still do my workouts. Seriously, I'll be Athena by IronMan if I keep this up. That makes me wonder about the rounder people I have seen doing IM. I wonder if they started out slim and trim and gained like I'm doing. I might be a round person this fall if I keep it up.

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